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Hard Candy Christmas

Lorena Leigh

Well it's that time of year...

The time of year I scramble last minute to gather gifts, send out cards, fly home to Texas, keep my ole sanity and of course... put together a christmas cover song and music video! Luckily, this year I wasn't able to keep my sanity after all which led to the most outrageous production of a song and dance Christmas video I've done so far.

Ernesto, my music producer, and I have been working hard over the last 4 months on my album (yay!) and decided to take a break from that mermaid music bonanza to do a fun project aka: This Hard Candy Christmas cover. What started as a joke quickly turned into all of our extra time and energy poured into a Christmas-cheer-Dolly-licious packed production. It seems to be fate that I just so happened to also connect with an amazing cinematographer, Dominick Sivilli, had luck bribing a few friends to put on Christmas onesies and my dog Oakley was super down to sport antlers in exchange for cookies.

This time of year is often confusing for me as I feel everything comes down to the wire and I get torn between what the christmas spirit is really about and stressing to getting it all done before the year ends!!! I'm not sure if making videos each year complicates that, or actually helps me to better understand the seasonal spirit. I feel it helps me analyze what I'm doing with music, why I do it and is an opportunity to connect with all the people I love through an art form I am most comfortable expressing myself.

So what I'm trying to say is... enjoy this sweet piece of my hard candy soul.


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